
Oh Stephanie- wow, this really got me in the feels. (sobbing).

I was interviewed by you when you first wrote on this subject in the GW years ago. I am a childless woman, not by choice. As I head into my 6th decade I can’t believe that being childless is still being used as a political weapon and that women are considered somehow less than or dangerous (heartily laugh in public is considered too much? WTF). This makes me so angry and incredibly sad.

As I sit in bed surrounded by my loving “pack” (1 husband, 1 cat, 2 staffies) I feel so incredibly grateful for how I my “mothering” has evolved.

I accepted what is, but the grief still sits buried in my heart at times. It came to the surface this morning.

Thank you for your wonderful newsletter- it’s the only one I pay for and dip into to read over a few days.

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Lovely to hear from you and of course I remember our interview all that time ago. Can you believe I still have to write about this stuff!? I'm so sorry it was difficult for you to read. I love your "pack" – sounds wonderful! And thank you for your support.XX

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Thank you Stephanie - love your work

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This resonates with me, too. We have no children, but have rescued several stray cats over the years, who have become indoor dwellers. Some of our adoptions provided relief for poor families bringing up multiple human children as well as pets that they struggled to care for. As a former teacher, I also dealt with the results of irresponsible parenting. Meanwhile, in staffrooms, there were always a few insensitive colleagues who assumed they were wiser than those of us without children. Moreover, I suggest that Vance's comments about childless cat ladies stem from historic persecution of so-called witches (and their familiars: typically cats) who were usually vulnerable women.

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